


#1 Organizer

TOEIC iibc award of excellence取得(TOEIC L&R・TOEIC S&W・TOEIC Speaking)

Nickname Kobby
My favorite word Working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather
Hometown Mie prifecture.
Being addicted Aquarium at home and go camping.
Favorite place Kamogawa river. Kawayuka is one of the poetic sceneries of the Kyoto summer.
What you are doing on your day off Sports or cycling.
What event would you like to hold? Guide event in Kyoto, Nara and Osaka for turists from overseas or foreigners of this club. Footsal event as well.

#2 Manager

Nickname Rie
My favorite word Always want to make a smile!
Hometown Kyoto
Being addicted I like watching comedy show. I have friends who are comedians, so I sometimes watch their show.
Favorite place I like Amalfi.
What you are doing on your day off I like watching movies , playing soccer and shopping.
What event would you like to hold? I want to talk with foreigner.

#3 Manager

Nickname Sally
My favorite word Someone Catch me if you can
Hometown Im from Osaka. But I’ve lived in Okayama for 6 years when I was a student.
Being addicted Recently Im addicted to watching rugby.
Favorite place Hirakata park
What you are doing on your day off My hobby is baking cookies, traveling abroad, watching movies, taking photos especially kids!
What event would you like to hold?

#4 Member

Nickname MASA
My favorite word Daitai Nantoka Naru
Hometown Osaka
Being addicted camping
Favorite place Coast side
What you are doing on your day off Watching some movie or study.
What event would you like to hold? Soccer!

#5 Member

Nickname keito
My favorite word Let it be
Hometown Tokyo
Being addicted Soccer, rugby, drinking
Favorite place Fukushima
What you are doing on your day off Sports events, drinking events
What event would you like to hold? I want to talk with foreigner.